What “Zombie Apocalypse” Means For You In Real Life

Jared Mosher
2 min readApr 16, 2020
Photo by Nathan Wright on Unsplash

I am not a zombie fan.

In fact, for most of my existence, I have struggled to understand why people find zombies interesting and why there are shows that have anything to do with zombies.

Until recently.

You see, I am fighting a zombie apocalypse of astronomical proportions every single day.

The question really is: Are you a zombie or not?

At this point, you’re probably thinking “This guy is totally off his rocker.

Very valid question.

I am not.

Think fish swimming upstream.

Against the current.

The water is the zombie apocalypse.

You are the fish.

Except with zombies, it’s a lot more violent. Which is probably accurate in real life. If you don’t figure out how to make your dreams work, you will die. It may not be physical death, but it’s definitely a death of sorts. You’ve given up. You’ve quit trying. You’re a zombie.

Your energy is now consuming, not giving. You’re out to take, not give.

If you are a zombie, you are doing the thing. You’re working the 9–5, you’re zoning out in front of a streaming service at night. Your eyes are dimmed.

Learning for you is a chore. Work is a drag.

You’re just propelling yourself forward enough each day to eat and sleep and repeat. You are dead.

But if you’re aware of the zombie apocalypse….

You’re not dead. You’re trying to stay alive. You have an idea of what is ahead for you if you can manage to avoid zombies roaming the streets.

Sometimes it’s easier to just wait for the zombies to get you. I mean, they’re everywhere right? And it’s so exhausting to keep running away from them.

It’s the same with trying to get ahead in life.

It’s exhausting if you don’t have a plan.

It’s exhausting if you don’t have routines.

Prisoners of war, the ones who make it out alive and live to tell their story, are the ones who had a routine every day. They pushed their minds as much as they could while in captivity.

We have to do the same.

We have to figure out a routine. A way to not get bitten by a zombie.

Even your friends might be zombies.

You might have a great idea to start a business. A side-hustle even. Something small to make an extra 10K this year.

But it’ll mean waking up. It’ll mean changing habits.

It’ll mean you start watching your back when those voices start coming up saying you can’t.

To reach that lifestyle you want, to reach those learning goals you’ve set, to run that marathon you’ve always planned to, even just to read that book on your bedside table…

Beware of the zombie apocalypse!

It’s coming to drown out your best intentions and dreams.



Jared Mosher

I write to capture glimpses of humanity and its endless beauty.